The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37940   Message #533393
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
22-Aug-01 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Important - Attention All Mudcatters
That's an interesting parliamentary exchange Roger in Sheffield - even though it goes back to 1992.

The MP Hugh Bayley is Labour Labour MP, who in the quote complains about "an absurd anomaly that section 182 of the Licensing Act 1964 requires a public entertainment licence where more than two live musicians gather at a venue such as a public house, but not when a discotheque is held there or, worse still, when muzak is played on the pub's loudspeakers" is still MP still for the city of York.

I think it would make sense to email him quoting the exchange, and putting him in the picture about sessions. ("inspiring young musicians indeed - rank age prejudice showing there. I found two emails for him - I suspect the second just gets the agent): Hugh Bayley

The MP for Weymouth is also Labour, and he's called Jim Knight, and his email is: Jim Knight.

I found those email addresses (well, not the York agents one) on thi site

MPs respond best to people who are their constituents, so I suggest we pick out our own, and harry them.