The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8532   Message #53389
Posted By: Jon W.
11-Jan-99 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by Robert Johnson
Subject: RE: Robert Johnson Lyrics
We've posted several Robert Johnson lyrics here in the past. I'd be glad to do so again if you tell me what song. I've got most of the more familiar songs on tape and the rest on records. RJ is not nearly as unitellegible as Charlie Patton (to name one).

Other than that, there are books out. For instance "The Complete Robert Johnson" by Woody Mann is one I have. Unfortunately it only has the first verse or two for each song (being more oriented to guitar tablature). Someone else will come along shortly and point out another, better, book, if the Mudcat's past record is any indication.