The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38039   Message #533956
Posted By: mousethief
23-Aug-01 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Laura Bush: The Existentialist Speaks
Subject: RE: Laura Bush: The Existentialist Speaks
Being and Nothingness (Sartre) -- This confusing book didn't have much of a plot, but I think that it really covers the bases. I mean, Being, and Nothingness -- what else is there?

The Plague (Camus) -- I think it's wonderful the way people can pull together when hard times hit.

Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engalls) -- This book is wrong-headed from the start. Why, it treats job-providing factory owners as if they were criminal or something! Clearly these boys were sullied by their experiences in classes taught by godless union shills.

Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) -- This book shows quite clearly that if we don't punish criminals severely, there is no deterrent effect.

The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck) -- I love gardening.

Cry, the Beloved Country (Paton) -- It's so horrible the things that happen to negroes in South Africa. I'm glad this country could never be like that.

Charlie Brown's Dictionary (Schulz) -- This is one of Weewee's favorites. He says it's important to have a strong vocabulary, so he learns a new word from this book every month.

Mein Kampf (Hitler) -- Silly people who complain about prison conditions in this country should read this book! Like we have anything to complain about! Sheesh!

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (Numeroff) -- A chilling indictment of the welfare state.

this is too easy!
