The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38131   Message #534752
24-Aug-01 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: ADD: G'wan Home Your Mudder's Callin' (Durante)
Subject: G'wan Home Yer Mudder's Callin'
Jimmy Durante did it. I remember the last two lines of the first verse, and both choruses. It goes,

I sticks me head in t'ru duh doors
and the bartender sees me, and roars,

G'wan home yer mudder's callin'
Yer Fadder fell into duh garbage can.
Gwan home yer mudder's callin'
They come to collect yer old man.

Gwan home yer mudder's callin
Yer fadder fell inter duh washin'machine
Gwan home, yer mudder's callin'
Dey can't get duh laundry out, clean.

Also, "Behind the swinging doors"

Thanks, Jody Gibson