The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38042   Message #534954
24-Aug-01 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: Origins of Yodelling in Country Music
Subject: RE: Origins of Yodelling in Country Music
Gee, when I bought my computer, I had no idea that I would meet literate, intelligent people on the internet./ (there are also a few NQOS, but I can just glance over them to the next bit of intelligent postings) I hope I can meet more of you face to face. I met a few last weekend when I introduced "Blue Water" music to a hardcore bluegrass audience. I met my first group of mudcatters. Oh yes, the bluegrassers liked the maritime stuff a lot, even requested songs on the third day. Farewell to Tarwaithe was an instant hit.

Bill Flagg, an old buddy from 1955=7, produces Bluegrass festivals. He hired me to do cl;awhammer banjo stuff./ (That's the way he remembered me) When we packed up after Sunday's performance, I remarked, "I'd better polish up a few more clawshammer banjo songs for the next fesival". (Sept. 9th, Hartland Hollow Connecticut) Oh no, he replied, just keep doing what you've been doing, thats's great stuff. Maybe I'll start producing "Blue-grass, Blue-water" festivals.