The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38040   Message #536431
Posted By: Gareth
27-Aug-01 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Humor Us
Subject: RE: BS: Humor Us
Oh my ! - look you ! - The Rabbi and the Blond - this is about to become the Minister and the Druids.

DaveO - BravO - I thank you.

Which reminds me of the old, old story.
The Roman Legion was marching into Wales - They tramped up this little South Wales Valley when out of the mist came a voice
"One Welshman is worth Two romans - come up and fight !!
"Right", said the Commander, "Two of you up there and let him feel Roman steel "
Two legionairs marched of into the mist. There was a clashing of steel, and screams - Then out of the mist came a voice
" One Welshman is worth a whole Manipule (10) of Romans".
Off went 10 Romans, again there came a screaming and a clashing of steel and out of the mist a voice
"One Welshman is worth a whole Centuary of Romans !".
Off went 100 Romans, again there was a clashing of steel, and screams and a voice "One Welshman is worth a whole Legion of Romans !
At this the Commander of the Legion had had enough - and the whole Legion began to advance up the hill in to the mist.
As they advanced "they found this wounded Legionaire crawling back down again.
, "Careful Sir, it's a trap", exclaimed the dying Roman, " There's Two of them".
