The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38302   Message #537584
Posted By: Marymac90
29-Aug-01 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Info: Chickens in the Garden / Farmer's Daughter
Subject: RE: Help: Chickens in the Garden
I don't know about the above, (though I do love the Watersons), but I do know a really nifty little 3-part rythmic (sp?) spoken word piece to teach to a group, and it mentions the same topic!

Divide the group into 3 parts, and teach each group one part.

Group 1:

The chickens (pause)
are eating (pause)
the toe-may-toes!

Group 2: Even the rabbits inhibit their habits when (mini-pause)
carrots (pause)
are (pause)

Group 3: Squaaaaaaassssshh! (pause)
Squaaaaasssshhhhh! (pause)
Squuaaaaasssshhhh! (pause)

When each group completes their part, they start it over again. All three groups recite their parts SIMULTANEOUSLY!!! After they have gotten them down pat, they can walk around, and mill amongst the people with other parts. They then recite their parts TO people with another part, who are saying THEIR own part to back to them at the same time! If it's being done in the proper spirit, sooner or later everyone will dissolve into gales of laughter!!!
