The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38214   Message #537762
Posted By: Micca
29-Aug-01 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Towersey 2001
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
What a weekend!!! And so many memories…Scattering Rod Shearmans ashes on Saturday morning, with all his friends singing "Stormalong" as we processed and all taking turns at the scattering them on the path between the campsite and the pub. The empty Glass for him (after its contents had been poured where his scattered ashes were) that was on our table all weekend.
The wonderful singing of Pearl, Moira, Noreen, Gervase, Eleyna and many others. Ickle Dorritt singing "Sparehand".
Singing " Sing no sad songs for me" written in memory of Rod and sung in the presence of some of his Family and the wonderful choral support from the Barn, on the choruses, and I was very moved and almost broke down when Rods banner was taken down at the end of the last night...
The Mudcat gathering and all of us singing to each other…. I have never sung so often and been received so kindly, or complemented so much!! The warmth of Mudcatters, that we were meeting for the first time!!! also I echo Morticias words about the body of Talent!! It can't be beat anywhere,