The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8593   Message #53809
Posted By:
13-Jan-99 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: songs heard on Primestar/DMX folk channelHELP
Subject: songs heard on Primestar/DMX folk channelHELP
i listen to the folk channel on Primestar's satellite audio service. Problem: They don't identify artist or song title.if anyone can help, I have a few tunes I'm trying to identify.1) Song by a female artist with a refrain that begins "Love,like a lesson learned.." and has the line "you can't always trust happiness." Very touching violin part in the break. 2) Song by male artist with refrain "help me dream Hannah's dream".3)Two songs by same artists, a funky bluegrass sound w/ all kinds weird instruments like digiridoo (sp?), tablas, etc featuring phrases "down in the cider house with Lucy" in one song, "I'm 900 miles away from home" in another. HELP ME !!! Lonesome Ernie J