The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38245   Message #538360
Posted By: Herga Kitty
30-Aug-01 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: Wareham 2001
Subject: RE: Wareham 2001
Sorry if it sounded as if I was having a go at anyone - it wasn't intended. Actually, Shambles, Alan did say he might make concessions for instruments in some cases (this particular case was my ex's Hiscock which contained a Lowden guitar, which Mick played in an extremely accomplished fashion without ever using a capo)- but if you're not really into unaccompanied singing you might not get the most out of a very nice singing weekend. Brian, yes I suspect I did sing a few choruses in the top marquee last year, and even worse, I sang Helen Akitt's "Tears of the Rain" at the end of the Saturday lunchtime session and prompted an immediate downpour. And you're spot on about making it up as you go along - people will sing whatever seems right at the time wherever they are.

See you tomorrow - Kitty