The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38214   Message #538446
Posted By: Linda Kelly
30-Aug-01 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Towersey 2001
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
Just to add my three pennorth we had a wonderful time. Positively knee deep in Mudcatters - and frankly, what a talented bunch of individuals they all are! Thanks to Noreen, Geordie Micca AlanWW Micca LtS Morticia and JudeL in particular for your friendship and humour. Particular thanks for not mentioning the 'dog' incident -because it would be terrible if people thought that I would actually have a panic attack thinking I had lost my dog, persuade the whole village to look for it, burst into tears and cry hysterically, only to find that she was asleep under a bench in the Barn two feet away from me -ot might blow my cool image!