The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38170   Message #538503
Posted By: Lepus Rex
30-Aug-01 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Aaliyah - RIP
Subject: RE: OBIT: Aaliyah - RIP
Wolfgang, my point was that if GUEST,Shenandoah doesn't like this thread, he/she/it shouldn't waste his/her/it's valuable time reading and posting to it. This thread isn't hurting anyone, and obviously there are people here who care enough about this subject to post to the thread.

And even if you and GUEST,Shenandoah didn't know who Aaliyah was, what's it take, 10, 20 seconds to figure it out for yourselves? I mean, do you want me to mush up your dinner for you and feed you with a spoon, too?

Why the Hell am I on a thread about a dead pop star, anyway? Grr.

---Lepus Rex