The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38361 Message #538744
Posted By: Mark Cohen
31-Aug-01 - 01:51 AM
Thread Name: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
Subject: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
This has been bugging me off and on for about 30 years now. I remember hearing a song on WMMR, one of Philadelphia's "underground" music stations in the late 60s, that had the line, "Who's comin' down old 95?" (A reference to Interstate Highway 95, which runs along the Eastern seabord of the US.) But that's all I remember. Does it ring any bells with anybody?
(Speaking of interstate highways, I think it's fascinating that the freeways on Oahu, the H-1, H-2, and H-3, are posted with the red and blue Interstate highway signs. Think about it. They were also probably named by the same Anglophile who put the Union Jack on the state flag. But I digress....)