The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38365   Message #538813
Posted By: Cllr
31-Aug-01 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: PEL (UK)
Subject: PEL (UK)
I have just joined Mudcat cafe and I am very interested in the PEL controversy.

I have been a folk club organiser for eight years and also occasional performer. I am also a recently elected county councillor (hence my mudcat name Cllr) I am looking to create a document on how the PEL rules should be interpreted and maybe lobby for a change in the current regulations. If I can establish a sensible plan which has at least a certain amount of practicality for all parties concerned and get it it implemented here at county level perhaps other county councils may wish to use it as a model.

I realise that a lot of comment has been made already in earlier threads. and I hope to save my self a lot of time buy focus the discussion in this new thread.

Please feel free to flame a way but any constructive comments would be welcome. Meanwhile I shall be looking into how our officers currently handle the situation.

I'm off to The Wareham Wail to laugh, drink and sing over the weekend. Talk to you all on Monday.
