The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38119   Message #538815
Posted By: Fiolar
31-Aug-01 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: Whiskey Jars, Guinness Pails - Irish Idioms?
Subject: RE: Whiskey Jars, Guinness Pails - Irish Idioms?
Giok: Guinness was never called "lunatic soup" in Ireland. The term "lunatic soup" refers to "meths" or methylated spirits and was the last milepost on the road to the grave. A dye was added by the manafacturers but that was usually got rid of by straining it through a loaf of bread. Also the well know beverage "red biddy" was a mixture of red wine and meths. On another tack, I heard of one fellow who could only afford lemonade but in order to get high, managed to siphon some gas from the cooker into the bottle and drink that. And before you ask how was it that there a gas cooker, his poor wife was the main support of the home.