The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38425   Message #539875
Posted By: Haruo
01-Sep-01 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Carols
Subject: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Carols
I just posted the G K Chesterton Christmas song "The World's Desire" in my online hymnal (both in English and in Esperanto). The default tune (background music) is the German "In der Wiegen", but I am wondering about the alternative tune, which I have called "Van Pelt". This is the tune given in the OBC (1956-64 ed.), and while I know it's familiar, I can't think offhand what text I'm using to hearing sung to it. I would like to give it its proper title, since "Van Pelt" won't mean anything to anybody — it is the name of the Atlanta clergyman who recommended it to the OBC editors as a tune for the Chesterton text. The MIDI is my own arrangement (though the second half is mostly very similar to Martin Shaw's arrangement in OBC.


Online Christmas Carols in Esperanto