The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38421   Message #540379
Posted By: lady penelope
02-Sep-01 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: First or Last name? And Mrs or Madam?
Subject: RE: First or Last name? And Mrs or Madam?
My first question - How were you introduced to these people? Or were you just left to find them on your own?

If you were introduced, you address them as you introduced to them, unless they inform you otherwise ( i.e. a professor introduced you to another professor with whom they are familiar and the professor you were introduced to did not wish to be called by a familiar term ).

I find it exceedingly annoying that people who are complete strangers to me call me by first name because that is what is on a form I have filled out.

My name is Michelle Penelope Ward and if you do not know me socially then I like to be addressed as MISS WARD. ( I don't mean people on Mudcat ). I do not like the usage of MS as it is unnecessary. Miss is a short term of Mistress ( much like Mr is of Master ) and denotes a woman of non-serf status. The introduction of the difference between miss and mrs is a French / Middle English affectation.

But other than that, just go for it. Mostly people themselves will put you right.

You may call me Ma'am!

TTFN M'Lady P.