The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38214   Message #540630
Posted By: KingBrilliant
03-Sep-01 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: Towersey 2001
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
See I got it all horribly wrong. Thought site 2 was the noisy one - but the people we were camped with made it very clear that they were NOT up for any late night singing etc. Ha! I thought it was a folk festival!
Sulk? You should have seen me!
Never mind - next year we'll come & find the 'catters instead. Its a real pain when you've geared yourself up for a campsite sing & then everyone goes to bed. B*gg*r!
Sorry we didn't hang around long on the monday night - but Hammerite was pretty nackered & cold, so I thought we'd better beat a retreat before she went bad.
AlanWW - thanks for the info about Wareham Wail. We didn't get there because Mark was all folked out - but I have plans of coming down with Hammerite next year & himself can please himself...
We had a great weekend anyway - and it was nice to meet more 'cats.
I'm just back at work this morning - which is why its taken til now to post properly.