The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24868   Message #540933
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Sep-01 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Household Folklore and Tips
Subject: RE: Household Folklore and Tips
According to my book of folk cures, they used to "cure" someone of the drink by locking them up with only bread and water, the bread being soaked in diluted alcohol and the water containing a bit of alcohol as well if I recall right.

The outcome is supposed to be that the "patient" becomes just mildly enough affected by the alcohol to avoid DTs and gets sick to the stomach on the diet, and thus this would be an early form of aversion therapy.

Supposedly, even the smell of drink after such a cure (can't recall how long it goes on!) is supposed to produce the aversion effect (strong or mild, eeew!) and the "patient" therefore avoids establishments where the smell pervades.

Not PC. Never tried it on anyone. Offered merely as a curiosity. *G*
