The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36385   Message #541383
Posted By: GUEST,Max in Louth
04-Sep-01 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
I thought that Mudcat subscribers might like to see an item that appeared in our local paper last weeek. Mr N Sharpley is a Director of CM Records Ltd and the poisonous end of Mr Bulmers love of litigation. The article, is of course, in the public domain: THE LOUTH LEADER 29th AUGUST 2001

Solicitors to face accounting tribunal

Solicitors Neil and Jeremy Sharpley are facing a disciplinary tribunal on September 18.

The inquiry will be held by the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors, which deprived the Sharpleys of their Louth-based firm Allison and Helmer in June last year.

Neil, who is the Louth district coroner, said they would be answering several allegations of breaches of accounting rules. "We understand none of the allegations arise from complaints by clients," he said. The Sharpleys may also raise human rights issues about the way their case has been handled.

The OSS made an intervention order in May last year which resulted in the Sharpleys transferring Allison and Helmer's business to Thimbleby Fisher of Spilsby.

An OSS spokesman said then that intervention orders were made only when they were thought necessary for the protection of the public and there was serious ground for concern, but the Sharpleys were "technically innocent" until a hearing was held.

The Sharpley's immediate response to the order was to condemn it as "grossly unfair", describing it as "the equivalent of summary execution without a trial".

The case does not concern Mr Sharpley's role as coroner.