The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38439   Message #541592
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
04-Sep-01 - 11:57 AM
Oh, right; "We" "stole the election", got "serviced" by an Intern under the Presidential desk and then lied about it, dropped bombs all over innocent Iraqi Citizens' heads when a crucial hearing came up about it, then sent a missle into Somalia to obliterate an aspirin plant, blasting the poor black Janitor off to Allah in order to divert public attention from Monica's testimony. And "We" just raised holy Hades about the "legitimacy" of our duly elected President, then cleverly persuaded a turncoat Senator to jump ship on his Constituents and turn the balance of power over so that our Majority Leader can now take over as Emperor Pro Tem and start running the whole blooming Country. And more recently, "We" got some grief from one of the Interns half our age we were blithely boning, who got dissed and threatened to tell Wifey... and hasn't been seen or heard from since. (We ain't never gonna find HER body, unlike the one Kennedy flushed down the Chapa-quit-tdick and got off with). Sure. Whatever.

Oh, look, gang! Did you see that!!???: One of our "Pig-ignorant Right Wingers" just ran up one leg of "Guest Yanque"'s trousers, took a huge, repulsive crappe, and ran back down the other leg in such a flash that nothing could be done about it, and vanished in an instant. Those buggers may be ignorant, but some of 'em can be surprisingly quick! Darn good thing we know just who to blame for that nasty load now, isn't it "Guest"?

