The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38365   Message #541730
Posted By: The Shambles
04-Sep-01 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: PEL (UK)
Subject: RE: PEL (UK)
Under the law they claim to follow, whether the activity is advertised or its regularity is not relevant. True?

Of course if it is advertised, the council cannot turn 'the blind eye'. However, there is still no reason why you should not advertise your event(s)

So the main question is, what does your authority do at that point, when they are aware of the event?

Here, Robbie Williams performing in a small pub as a duo with Brittany Spears, would be public entertainment, but exempt from the PEL requirement.

But three pub customers regully singing 'The National Anthem' or the WI singing 'Jerusalem', would however be classed as performers in a public entertainment and not exempt. This would be illegal and prevented by council workers in premises without a PEL.

What would your council workers do?

If (for any reason) you would prefer not to post the answers here publicly, we can all be sent personal messages on the Mudcat, or by email. It would really be great help to know.

(I have decided that 'officers', is not the term I will be using in future. For it shows a respect that I do not think is deserved........Council workers will do instead).