The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38365   Message #541994
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Sep-01 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: PEL (UK)
Subject: RE: PEL (UK)
(I have decided that 'officers', is not the term I will be using in future. For it shows a respect that I do not think is deserved........Council workers will do instead).

Well, personally I think that being called a worker shows much more respect than calling them an officer. "Officer" always tends to carry a slight sneer.

And rem,ember, it's not the council workers who are resposible for the actions of the Weymouth council (for example).If some council employee gives bum advice, it's still the responsibility of the councillors if they choose to accept it, instead of the good advice they have also had from Shambles and others.

And for Roger in Sheffield: here is a link to a picture of a session that's no longer happening, the one at The Carpenters Arms. So no problems about bringing down the licence cops on it. And none of the musicians would have any worries about being on another website somewhere. So use the picture if it's any use to you.