The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27494   Message #542094
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
04-Sep-01 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Subject: RE: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Well ahoy there, Cranky! Say, didn't you leave out the part about your being the Exalted Grand Master of your Blue Lodge for the past 36 years? Well, that's OK; next time.

Sorry you feel that way about the NRA; I also quit some years ago when Wayne LaPierre started referring to federal Agents as "Jack-booted Nazi-helmeted thugs" and the like. At the time, it seemed that that assessment was a bit harsh. Then came Ruby Ridge, then Waco, then a terrified little 7-year-old Illian Gonzalez with a 9MM MP-5 submachinegun stuck in his face (after Janet El-Renio had promised that they would not use force to take the boy)... and I submitted my application back to the NRA with my letter of appology. It seems that Mr. LaPierre wasn't all that far off after all. And I did what I could to help pro-Constitution Candidates win elections at home and in DC. You might be surprised to find how many Democrats and 3rd Party Candidates were endorsed by the NRA before the election, by the way... if you were to expose yourself to factual information, rather than what Jennings and Brokaw tell you. Fact is, near as I can make out (and I've been studying this stuff) the alternative to your despised Republican was a continuation of an "administration" (I tend to use the term "syndicate" more often) that has done probably more damage to America's National Security and moral integrity than any other, and had the potential of bringing us down to 3rd - World status and catastrophic economic collapse. Degeneration of American society into a police state tyranny was not out of the question at all. If that makes me/us "devious", well, I guess we'll just have to live with that, won't we.

As to Karate or similar martial arts, it is indeed good conditioning for body and mind and a worthy sport. Strangely, it seems that there is a crucial distinction between the gym (I know there's a lovely oriental term for the place Karate is practiced.. "Domo"? I'm guessing...) and the cold, hard street. A young man who is a good friend of my Wife's family moved to NYC to service and sell pianos. He took Karate and held a 4th or 5th degree BlackBelt. One night going through the park, he got mugged. To his total dismay, he "froze up" and couldn't remember any of his tricks. The thugs beat and strangled him damnear to death because he didn't have enough money on him for a "fix". A reenacor friend had a close pal in the city who was also considered a "Master" martial artist. One night he returned to his apartment and surprised 2 burglars who went after him with knives. The police investigation suggested that after cutting mr. karate up pretty well, they left. Bleeding profusely, he managed to crawl over to the phone to dial 911, whereupon the hoodlums came back for another load, and finished him off. they said his hands and arms were cut to ribbons by his vain attempts to block the slashes and stabs. There was no indications that either of the perps were harmed in the least. I have a few more annecdotes, but will spare you; the upshot is that some guy has one of those black-belts and thinks he's pretty hot stuff, until he runs up against some street toughs in the real world and gets his butt kicked in... or worse. Having said that, I think it's commendable to train reasonably sane youngsters in any sport that inculcates self-discipline and control. And as far as teaching Karate to felons in prison; you may think it's a wonderful idea and will convert them all to productive Citizens, but i'd rather see them coming out with a master's degree in ballet, thank you very much. If they need excersize with which to vent their aggression, surely there must be some rocks to bust up or wood to split. By the time they get to the "big house", about the only thing weight rooms and martial arts training does for 'em is make them much better at intimidating, terrorizing and beating future victims after they get out - or the police who attempt to re-arrest them.

I'm glad that you observed that President Bush is not the "boogyman" that you were led to beleive he was supposed to be. The next time you are popping a few rounds with the old M-1, you may just have the "devious Republicans" and the NRA to thank for the priviledge; had AlGore et al assumed the throne and El Reino kept the keys to the InJustice Dept., it may well have been doomed to the smeltering furnace by now.

And hey, "Cranky"; next time tell us about how you levitate again. That is SO cool!