The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38472   Message #542550
Posted By: SharonA
05-Sep-01 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: Kazoos
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
JudeL: "Awful thing"? A kazoo? Bite your tongue! ;^)

Ella: A boombah is a percussion "instrument" (glorified noisemaker) that consists of a long stick that one holds and bangs on the floor, with tambourine, cymbals and other loud things attached. One can also bang on the skin of the tambourine. I've been trying in vain to find a link to a picture of one (when I did a web search, most of what I came up with were old high-school cheers – "sis boom bah" – and references to Walt Kelly's "Pogo" comic strip!).