The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31538   Message #542694
Posted By: Wesley S
05-Sep-01 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
OK,OK,OK - Update time -

Brendan is doing quite well. He's up to 18 pounds and except for one little bout with a cold and ear infection last week he's been very healthy. I did discover while he was sick that it only takes .0004 seconds for a smiling baby to Linda Blair an 8 ounce bottle of formula all over Dad. And an afternoon at work covered in used formula odors has it's own pecular reward - welcome to parenthood.

His disposition is wonderful. He never seems to cry at all. He's patient and loves to cuddle. And his awareness seems to grow in leaps and bounds. Lately I've taken to whistling tunes to him and he's trying to copy me. We can't help but laugh when he puts his lips together and blows { sounds like a line from a Bogart movie }.

He still has what people are calling "blueberry" eyes and his hair seems to be auburn. He laughs and smiles alot { most likely AT his parents not WITH them }. He wakes up in a great mood - unlike his dad - and he's been sleeping through the night since he was about three nights old. He'll be nine months old in about a week. He's not nearly as much work as I thought he was going to be. I would guess Bretta would agree with me. At least that's what she says. How can a snugglebug be considered work?

We have our own digital camera so I hope to post some pictures soon. Stay on my case and I'll get around to it.

As far as band news - we recently added a string bass player and that has made a world of difference. It's so easy to stay in a groove when you have this huge wooden box whomping along next to you. He's a great musician with a great personality and work ethic. What a find.

Lunch hour is over - more later. Thanks friends.