The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37013   Message #543063
Posted By: IvanB
05-Sep-01 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: More Online Concerts!
Subject: RE: More Online Concerts!
Susan, don't waste CD space with wave files recorded off the web with Total Recorder. Their quality isn't usually good enough to rate that. Instead reencode them in MP3, for an 80-90% reduction in file size, depending on the quality you choose. I generally use 160 bit encoding for stuff I get directly from FM, 128 bits for webcasts. The program I use for encoding is:

Simple MP3 Maker

It's free, and, although it's slow, does a wonderful job. It's the only encoder I've used that doesn't leave me with pops or dropouts (assuming they weren't there in the wave file to begin with). I usually set it up to encode overnight while I'm not using the computer.