The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38464   Message #543070
Posted By: Peg
05-Sep-01 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Celtic Music Collection
Subject: RE: BS: Celtic Music Collection
Guest said:

"Peg, I just don't understand why some people find it so difficult to accept that Celtic music is music from the Celtic countries and their diaspora communities, by musicians from Celtic countries."

I then suggested that Steeleye Span played "Celtic music" because they played traditional songs that originated in Ireland and Scotland...

Then Guest said:

"Nowhere did I say no one but people of Celtic ancestries can play Celtic music." --but they have to be "musicians from Celtic countires" according to what is the difference?

"If one feels there is a thing called "Celtic" music, and agrees that it *does* relate to ancestry and communities in which the music traditions of Celtic peoples were handed down, that is enough for me." --so *does* it relate to ancestry? or *doesn't* it? You are really starting to confuse me here.

"To suggest that Steeleye Span should be filed under Celtic music because Celtic peoples and Anglo Saxon peoples have inter-married down through the centuries is ludicrous." -I did not suggest this, nor do i think the person you are trying to respond to did...but tell me, does Steeleye Span deserve to be filed under "Celtic music" because they play "music from Celtic countries?"

If you are going to impose your definitions on others, please make sure they make sense and are not just arbitrary rambling...