The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8683   Message #54374
Posted By: Rasta
16-Jan-99 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Subject: RE: The Bob Dylan Mystique
In one of the threads somene was in New york and said he saw a guy in coveralls in one of the clubs. and then saw him on tv.---the first time I ever saw bob on tv was a show called ( songs of freedom ) also on show I think was Odetta and Freedom singers with bernice Reagan of sweet honey and the rock.---Bob sang I believe -times they are a changin but he was pretty twisted as I recall so after the stataion break they sat him down and he sang only a pawn in there game or Lonsome death of Hattie carroll. I was awe struck. Though to this day I have highest regard for the Kingsto trio I do believe Dylan clearly changed many of our lives in a way to look at our times and life itself --we all have good n bad in our souls somehow and he is and was a reflection of those things. ---for others we had the bee gees and beatles and supremes and carpentrs and etc, theres plenty of room for that kind of music too (your right from your side and Im right from mine-were just one too many morning s and a thoussand miles behind- so ----thanks Bob for the inspiration and thanks Pete seeger for your everything ya know what I mean ? --RASTAAAAAA--