The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38653   Message #544340
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
07-Sep-01 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat's hunting habits
Subject: RE: BS: Cat's hunting habits
Spaw - my dad has got quite annoyed on that part, he keeps telling me, he wishes that my cat would leave a whole one... He reckons there is nothing better than rabbit stew... (yeuch)

No probs Aux... Monty also like's bird - oh and moths/flies frogs cause him hours of entertainment, and he's taken to giving next door live specimens of those, as he lets himself into their house too. Infact, anything that moves. Thank god he has not discovered the grass snakes and slow worms we have in our garden... though my cat prior to him had, and I had to rescue a snake which had its head clattered as the other cat (Perry, now no longer with us) ran through the picket fence.

Hedgehogs (or hodgehegs as my neice calls em) are also exempt from Montys endeavours... He's not quite figured them out yet.

and Morticia.... ewwwwww!