The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8671   Message #54458
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Jan-99 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: A challenge:a flea,an orange,a bicycle seat
Subject: RE: A challenge:a flea,an orange,a bicycle seat
To the tune of "Yellow Rose of Texas"

Fair Helen rode down to the store to get an orange to eat
She peeled and ate it deep in thought, resting 'gainst her bicycle seat
"Catters think that their brain power could heat Oak Ridge Tennessee
But all their brains together, could not warm a flea.

Helen had a great idea, while thinking 'bout that flea
She leapt upon her bicycle seat and rode home merrily
With the orange to energize her, she sat before her screen
And she issued a great challenge, but it's met now as you've seen. the way, where's yours Helen?