The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38653   Message #544641
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
07-Sep-01 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat's hunting habits
Subject: RE: BS: Cat
1) Declawd cats can hunt and flee about 95% as efficiently as clawed cats... so that's a myth that declawed cat's CAN'T go outside...

2) Cat's domesticated?!?!?! You don't know a thing about 'em do ya?? They are so close to wild, it's not even funny... Cat's NEED to hunt.. so does your dog... That's what he's doing when you play fetch with him... he's hunting! Cats are just smart enough to not be fooled by anything less than a feather on a string, or a ball of tinfoil with nip in it... They are a preditor. Full stop... They WILL hunt no matter what you do, short of abuse...

3) "Magnify such incidents by thousands of cats"... that's called THE NATURAL ORDER!!! Some stuff kills other stuff... it's the way of the world... do you feel the same way when a shark cuts a swath through a herd of baby seals?!?!?! I hope not...

4)I've seen cat's eat a whole rabbit... Hungry or not... And well, what they don't eat, somethng else will.. there's NO SUCH THING AS WASTE IN THE NATURAL ORDER!!!!