The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8704   Message #54465
Posted By:
16-Jan-99 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Coal Man Blues (Peg Leg Howell)
Subject: Looking for Lyrics and performer
I actually posted this request last year; but I can't find the thread with Forum search.

Anyways there are a lot more people participating since then, so I will try again.

There is a song that starts with:

Woke up this Mornin' 'bout five o'clock
Got me some eggs an' a nice pork chop
Cheap cigar an' a magazine
Had to go run an' catch the four-fifteen.

The chorus goes something like:

Hard coal and the stovewood man (2X)
I ain't got but a little bit left
If you don't come use it, gonna burn it myself

I would like the rest of the lyrics and the performer. I think it was just one man with a guitar; but I am not sure.

