The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38628   Message #544730
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Sep-01 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Dealing with Flamers
Subject: RE: Dealing with Flamers
First off, I am not at crossed swords with Jack the Sailor.

If you want to know where I was coming from, SharonA and Jeri hit it on the head. The posting came from two places. The first was that I was pissed off to see people for whom I have respect fall into the trap laid by these miscreants. Name calling??? Nope. "Miscreant" is defined in the Funk & Wagnall's Standard Dictionary as " n. An unscrupulous wretch, evildoer. --adj. Villainous; vile." I think my description is spot on. These folks are even worse than earlier incarnations of flamers, such as Gargoyle. At least Greg/Gargoyle and others had as their intent to improve the Mudcat. While I disagreed then and now with trying to make this place over, I respect that their intent was to improve or save Mudcat. But these people, with racist and inflammatory postings, could care less about this place. Their motive is selfish and sick. They do it because they can. They do it for perverse pleasure. Or they do it because they have issues with any structure. Whatever the reason, they could care less if this place survives in any form. As long as they can get their "kicks" by getting a response they go about their twisted way. This truly does "disgust" me and I don't apologize for that. And most Mudcatters know this, and yet post anyway. That "disgusts" me as well, and I don't apologize for that either. One of Funk & Wagnall's definitions for "fool" is "a person lacking understanding, judgement, or common sense". An "ass" is defined as "a stupid person, fool". Both appropriate here.

I remember when the debate was whether or not there should be any discussion that wasn't strictly about music. My opinion then and now, is that this isn't strictly a music site. It is about music, AND the issues that spawn it, AND the people who make it. It is a community of performers, fans, devotees, just plain folks with music as the glue. I didn't mind the debate over that. But to waste space debating about miscreants whose purpose has nothing to do with the direction of The Mudcat, and everything to do with selfserving posts designed to help them get their jollies is IMHO disgusting. And I don't care who knows it.

And far as me being "amusing and interesting".........I think you are cute, too......................LOL.
