The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38696   Message #545114
Posted By: Jon Freeman
08-Sep-01 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Revenge of Sir Cam
Subject: RE: BS: The Revenge of Sir Cam
Blt, have you contacted Symantec about this? Also, did you use a manual or automatic fix? And, did you update your anti-virus protection after removing Sircam?

Nutty, I take it you have an up to date anti-virus program installed and running. You could try the AV company's support if you are getting problems that you feel may be due to a virus.

I am currently running PC-Cillin which was bundled with a motherboard I installed. Trend Micro, the makers of the software do offer a free on-line scan that you could try to see if it detects anything. The URL is Be warned that it is a long process on a slow connection.
