The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38245   Message #545773
Posted By: lady penelope
09-Sep-01 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Wareham 2001
Subject: RE: Wareham 2001
Although I only managed Friday night ( due to very bad stomache cramps ) I still enjoyed myself and was utterly astonished at :

A) How much noise approximately 50 people can make.

B) How far you have to pitch tent away from the marquees to stop your eardrums from melting ( Bob DID warn me! )

C) How many of you sang constantly till at least 4 in the morning!!! Mind you it did keep me entertained on my trips to the bog.

Every one was so friendly and it was such a good evening I shall most deffinately be back next year!!! ( With immodium if necessary!!!!)

TTFN M'Lady P.