The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38754   Message #545948
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Sep-01 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Story - 5 sentences each to build on
Subject: New Story - 5 sentences each to build on
We had so much fun with Helen's 100 word only story thread, I thought we might try something else. Each of us has five sentences of reasonable length (no run-ons!*bg*) to write.

The next person adds to the same plot line with their own five sentences. It can go in any direction, but please try to follow the previous poster with some continuity. Okay? Here goes:

Once, long ago, in a forest of dark evergreens, there lived a woman.

She had a small cottage, filled with all manner of odd and beautiful things.

Most prized of all her possessions were the musical instruments which hung on the walls.

So cherished, they shone with lustrous patinas of age and loving use.

Alas, they were silent now, as the woman could not play.