The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38655   Message #546153
Posted By: GUEST,Celtic Soul
10-Sep-01 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
You find pushers in any walk of life, hon!

I am a "veggie", and my mate a devout carnivore. I cook meat for him. I don't foist my views off on him, nor him me. In my world view, it is a personal decision, like religion and politics.

However. I went to a party a few years back where I asked the host "does this have meat in it?" A simple enough question, not one intended to do anything beyond give me the info I needed to eat what I desired, and not what I did not.

I got a half hour lecture from a meatatarian about how vegetarianism is pathological.

There are lots of people out there who would like nothing better than to remake the whole world to fit their views, and they are not all Veggies, Christians, or Moslems.