The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38776   Message #546243
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
10-Sep-01 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
Subject: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
Well, with a high tide and a good wind behind us we actualy managed to get Swinton Folk festival underway a few days ago! The other two buggers then ran off on holiday and left me with the arrangements but I'm not bitter...;-)

Anyhow. We have a Ceilidh band. We have concerts acts. We have a singaround. We have the pub and we have a new venue - The Agnes Hopkinson Centre in Swinton. What we don't have at the centre is a bar! But worry not my children - here is the major point of this post.

The centre is a lot smaller than our old venue - which has closed down btw - with very much the feel of a village hall. We asked if our pub landlord would like to put a bar on and he would, but only with bottles. So, the old grey cells started to tick over. Seeing as we can only get canned or bottled drinks why do we need a bar?

Why don't we advertise it as 'bring a bottle' do? Lest anyone not bring anything there is a big Safeway supermarket 2 minutes walk away which is open until 10pm every night. We would provide plastic glassed (now there's an oxymoron!) at cost price. There is a kitchen where we could do tea/coffee etc.

Would not having a bar detract from the festival? Would bringing your own drinks make it more party-like? How would we regulate when people went home if we were not tied to closing time?

Any views anyone?


(If I can get it sorted before Spot comes back from France he can't argue can he;-))