The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38653   Message #546631
Posted By: Gareth
10-Sep-01 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat's hunting habits
Subject: RE: BS: Cat's hunting habits
Fine - all these dialectics on the hunting habits of Cats.

Now we have new neighbours across the road and thier oversize moggy has taken to stalking and jumping on the backs with intent to comit grievious bodily harm to the local dogs. particullay if thier on the lead (leash).

Short of picking the moggy up and pretending that I'am drop kicking for goal at the Arms Park what is the answer ???

I don't mind that moggy killing the local vermin, tree rats et al, and I'am damn sure any fox would think twice. But two nights running hes had a go at my 13 year old Terrier, and the dog is terrified.
