The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38472   Message #546636
Posted By: Gareth
10-Sep-01 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Kazoos
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
Defenition of a Lagerphone = A loudmouthed oik, trying to use a poser phone in a crowded pub.

Joshing aside, the Kazoo marching band has a long and honourable tradition here in South Wales - "Thank the Lord we are a musical Nation."

It seems to have been replaced in recent years by 'youths' driving up and down the street wearing back to front baseball caps playing bad music very loudly.

At least the Kazoo bands marched on. BTW have you heard " The Red Flag" and "The Internationale" played on Kazoo - its enough to turn you Tory !!!

I have unfond memorys of working for an insurance company in the 1970's when the other ranks toilets were still supplied with "Izal" I'am quite sure my "Farmer Giles" or "Chalfont's" date from those days !!!

Gareth (still squirming at the memory of Izal.)