The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38655   Message #547416
Posted By: Kim C
11-Sep-01 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
Subject: RE: BS: Veggies !! Do you think they're prats
Well, lookit... I like to eat just about everything. Meat, no meat, makes me no difference. When a veggie friend stayed with me for a week, we ate Gardenburgers and pasta and salads and baked a cake and had a great time.

However... everyone's physiology is different... and if I go without red meat for too long, I must have it or Heads Will Roll. Same with fish. Those things have something my particular earthly body needs, needs that cannot be satisfied with red beans and rice. I know, because I already tried it. :-)

You eat what you like, I'll eat what I like, and if you come to my house for supper, I'll make sure to have something on the table that will suit us all.