The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38819   Message #547877
Posted By: Hilary
12-Sep-01 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: Origins of: Barbara Allen, is there a story ?
Subject: RE: Origins of: Barbara Allen, is there a story ?
Much thanks to everybody,

Especially to George for the 'clicky' links, as I can very rarely manage to get the forum search to work - I promise I do try afore posting a query. I must figure out why. Much fasinating material to pore over.

I heard the last 10 minutes of the play on radio 4 yesterday - which left me wondering if there was a 'true' story behind the song. ( Dainty Davie, Thomas the Rhymer, Sir Patrick Spens come to mind immmediately.)

I find it amazing that connections can be found with people from so long ago. History at school was nothing like this.

I completely agree with Dick that the story strikes a chord, but as I sing unaccompanied I can't actually do that.

Thanks everyone