The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38839   Message #548056
Posted By: JeZeBeL
12-Sep-01 - 10:53 AM
I don't think I have aby words to describe my feelings on waht has happend over the last 24 hours or so.

It is totally unimaginable that any living thing could do this. All that goes through my mind is what kind of lowlife souless THING could have done this.

It is undescribable the feelings that go through you when one so close gets murdered in any shape or form as I experienced a year ago. But to brutally murder thousands of innocents intentionally...Ijust can't even imagine.

All I have done since this has happend is think of the poor souls who have died or who haven't been found yet and of those families who are hoping and praying for this terror to end and their loved ones to phone home safe and well.

I went to a session last night to try and take my mind off of this monstrosity, but my heart wasn't in the music or in anyone elses and I could quite happily have just sat and cried forever.....

today I had to go to work and wish I didn't. I did not sleep one bit last night, just meditated and prayed and hoped.....

I will be doing the same when I get home from this internet cafe.

I will be attending the jug tonight, but only to say goodbye to a dear friend who leaves for university on friday and to find comfort in the other mudcatters there.

PEace and love to everybody involved in this terror.

If anybody would like someone to talk to pm me and I will try to help you as much as possible.

Blessed be

The gods/goddesses are watching over us all, whomever yours may be.

E xxx