The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38839   Message #548134
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
12-Sep-01 - 12:42 PM
Someone mentioned that now opposition to all of Bush's proposals for greater defense expenditures would "collapse like the Twin Towers". Aside from the obviously distasteful comparison, I think the indication is contrary to Bush's security linch-pin : The Starwars System. If anything, this event showed how vulnerable we are to the new form of terrorist attack, one which Starwars would have done nothing to prevent. I certainly support increased security expenditure, but put it where it will do some good, not into some Maginot Line designed to fight a war of the past century.

It seems more and more that Bin Laden was involved. I believe he will be located and , I hope, executed. I don't want to see a prolonged trial with its potential for "Free Bin Laden" demonstrations and attacks. I am under no illusion that killing him will end this. We are entering a new phase of this war, but it is a war that has been going on for some time already. There will be retaliation against the perpetrators, but new villains will arise in his place, true believers in the sanctity of his cause. I believe that most renegade nations such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran will bow down before the wrath of the US, but the Terrorist Organizations themselves will gain strength and martyrs, and will only become more covert in their relationships with these governments.

Apparently Bin Laden's primary issue with us is the continuing presence of American troops in the Middle East after the end of the Persian War, a presence that serves to protect the more moderate governments, such as Saudi Arabia, who welcome our presence there. As such, our troops prevent the ascendence of additional Islamic Extremist governments, which is Bin Laden's actual goal. There is also no doubt but that oil is at the crux of our national interest in the area. The Saudis can be counted on to keep the spigots open, while Islamic fundamentalists would have no compunction about shutting off supply to achieve political ends.

What are our options? We can become completely energy independent. More domestic drilling, or intensified alternate-energy research can begin to achieve this. Then we say the Hell with the Mid-east and go our own way. OR we work toward an effective world-government that would examine and rectify inequities throughout the world.

One thing is sure : It took years of tangled-web weaving to get to this point, and no surgical strike or other quick solution will grant anything but short-term gratification.