The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8550   Message #54821
Posted By: Big Mick
19-Jan-99 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
Subject: RE: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
Big Catspaw,
I have never used "penes" in my life. But I learn so much here. Where the hell else would I learn a song like McGrath's.

speaking of your song, I did indeed do it in a small group after the performance. I just sang it to a tune that I made up to fit. The guys and gals just roared. I, of course had to help them with vernacular a bit. They absolutely roared. I got the distinct impression that I may have to do this more. I had one advantage though, my dear friend. I had just finished doing a benefit for a slain State Trooper. Wasn't much chance of me landing in the pokey. When next I am in Ireland, I will pay you your "royalties" in Uncle Arthur's and songs.
