The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38861   Message #548437
Posted By: Bill D
12-Sep-01 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Lest we forget: USA aggression
Subject: RE: Lest we forget: USA aggression
the arrant stupidity of trying to paint ANY 'nation' with a broad brush of generalization astounds me!.."Americans" are not aggressors, and by & large, neither are most American leaders! this complex world, mistakes are made, decisions regretted ...and sometimes, individuals with bad judgement get into positions of power. This happens everywhere!

But there are Iraqis who are NOT in agreement with Saddam, Palestinians who would NEVER shoot Israelis, Israelis who would try to be just and generous with Palestinians, Irish on both side who hate the killing and do NOT participate, and Chinese who are crying for a more democratic, free society.

WHY IN HELL do idiots use incidents like this to point fingers and stir up highly debatable points when ALL minds and efforts should be directed towards solving problems and easing pain & suffering?

It seems that all too many people...on BOTH sides of the issue...would rather hate and criticize.

"Aggression" is a petty, ill-chosen word for whatever the US might have done...and even the correct words are best held until a RATIONAL debate can be held.

'guest' does not indicate which countries he/she thinks are above reproof and never err in the conduct of their affairs....or what might be done to make this sorry world a bit better!!!!!!!!!!!!!