The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8550   Message #54874
Posted By: Liam's Brother
20-Jan-99 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
Subject: RE: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
First of all, I like the ones with the red race cars on the packet. You can find them in the men's toilet in most pubs in the UK. There are, though, typically 4 problems in purchasing them there:
1) The odds are at least 50/50 that the machine will take your money and give you nothing in return
2) Buying things like this is a men's room is a great way to meet blokes and, if that's not your thing, it could be embarrassing for the other party
3) I always seem to be standing in at least 2 inches of water when I do this and at least 1 coin always seems to slip from my fingers
4) The machine is usually placed right next to the door and I get smacked by it at least 5 times during the transaction as intoxicated patrons enter the WC.

Second, and this for Big Mick who wrote above on 18JAN at 8:54PM about he and Liam being in a pub together, I have checked with Liam, Mick, and he tells me that the incident you describe did not happen that way at all. He left with the young lady! All the best,