The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #204   Message #549
Posted By: Ian
25-Nov-96 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mist Covered Mountains of Home
Subject: RE: Lyric Req: Mist Covered Mountains
Michael - Thanks! Sounds great. I'll look forward to hearing back from you.

Regarding your lyric request, Fionnaghuala seems to ring a bell, but I'm not sure from where - I'll check around. I'm afraid on the other, I may not be much help. Maybe someone else on this forum?

Speaking of Talitha McKenzie, do you (or anyone else?) know where one might obtain a copy of an earlier album/cassette of hers? She recorded it as Talitha Nelson (I'm fairly sure) prior to her marriage. As I remember, it contained one or two pieces of mouth music, 'Handsome Cabin Boy' and 'Alabama John Cherokee'. (I can't recall the rest.)

Thanks! - Ian