The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9395   Message #549669
Posted By: GUEST,Sonja
14-Sep-01 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Show Me the Way to Go Home
Subject: Lyr Add: SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME (parody)
Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion Songbook" has several versions. This one is a composite of one I heard in college and new lines I made up when I could not recall those.

The version we sing is ever so slightly different again,

Indicate the direction of my residence,
I'm fatigued and I desire to retire.
I imbibed a small quantity approximately 60 minutes ago
And it travelled right to my cerebellum.
No matter where I perambulate
On terra firma or the ocean or effervescence,
You will ever perceive me incanting this melody,
"Indicate the direction to my residence.